Orthodontics 101: Understanding Orthodontic Problems and Their Solutions

Orthodontic problems aren’t uncommon, and if you’ve been dealing with misaligned teeth, bite issues, or any other dental irregularities, you’re not alone. Understanding the different kinds of orthodontic problems and the solutions available can help demystify the world of orthodontics and set you on a path to a confident smile. 

Let’s dive into the basics of orthodontic problems and how they can be addressed:

Crooked Teeth

One of the most common orthodontic problems is crooked teeth. Various factors, including genetics, bad oral habits, or an early loss of baby teeth can cause this. Crooked teeth not only affect your appearance but can also make oral hygiene more challenging. 

Orthodontists use braces or clear aligners to gently shift teeth into their proper positions over time, thus creating a more aligned smile.


An overbite is diagnosed when the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth excessively, whereas an underbite is distinguished by the lower teeth extending beyond the upper teeth. These bite-related concerns can result in difficulties with speaking, chewing, and even discomfort in the jaw. 

Orthodontic specialists utilize devices such as braces or Invisalign™ to address these bite-related issues and attain the desired alignment.


A crossbite is a dental misalignment where the upper and lower teeth do not fit together properly when the jaw is closed. In a normal bite, the upper teeth slightly overlap the lower teeth. However, in a crossbite, either a few specific teeth or the entire dental arch on one side of the mouth sits inside the opposing teeth of the opposite arch. This can lead to various issues, including difficulty in chewing, uneven wear on teeth, and potential jaw discomfort. 

Spacing And Crowding

Uneven spacing or excessive crowding of teeth can result in both aesthetic and functional problems. Too much spacing can lead to gaps, while crowding can make proper cleaning difficult, increasing the risk of gum disease. 

Orthodontic treatments like braces, aligners, or retainers can help regulate spacing and crowding issues.

Open Bite 

An open bite occurs when there’s a gap between the upper and lower front teeth, even when the back teeth are clenched. This problem can hinder proper chewing and speech. 

Orthodontists often recommend braces or aligners, sometimes in combination with other treatments, to close the open bite and establish a balanced bite.

Understanding these different kinds of orthodontic problems is the first step towards seeking appropriate treatment. Thankfully, in the world of orthodontics, there’s a solution for every smile. With advancements in technology and treatment options, achieving the smile you’ve always dreamed of is more attainable than ever!

Schedule an appointment with us today!